We all seem to have an excuse.
I’m not talking about legitimate excuses like not being able to drive to work because your car broke down…
… And I’m not talking about the little day to day excuses like “I can’t clean my room today, I’m too tired.”
I’m talking about a different type of excuse.
The one or two big excuses that hold you back.
The stuff your mind tells you every day unconsciously that holds you back from being where you truly want to be.
The “invisible script” running in your head… day in and day out.
… And you probably don’t even realize this script is sabotaging you at every turn.
Some common ones are:
“I don’t have enough money…”
“I don’t have enough time…”
“I’m not good-looking enough. Strong enough. Tall enough. Fast enough. Smart enough…”
“I don’t have what it takes to do what HE or SHE did…”
“I don’t have enough resources…”
“That’s just not who I am…”
“I’m lazy. I’m messy. I’m too overwhelmed…”
These are the types of excuses that keep you frozen in your tracks.
Then, there are 2 other types of excuses…
The justifying excuse.
The comforting excuse.
Here’s the reality of our “invisible scripts”…
Every excuse we make has either a “justifying phrase” or a “comfort phrase” behind it.
The justifying phrases go like this…
“Why don’t you have enough money?
Well, I don’t have a four year degree… My parents were poor… I didn’t have opportunities because of the city I’m from.”
The comfort phrases go like this…
“I don’t NEED more money. I’m content with where I am…”
“I don’t NEED more love in my relationships. Things are good enough…”
“I don’t NEED to be healthier. I’m healthier than most of my friends…”
Now, yes. There are times when you truly do have enough of something.
You can be fully content with what you have.
… But you need to be able to differentiate when it’s the truth — and when it’s just a way to stay in your comfort zone.
These phrases aren’t true.
When you believe them, you hold yourself back from your full potential.
You’re stealing your gift away from the world, and those who can benefit from your gift.
YOU decide what your life is like.
YOU are exactly where you are because that’s exactly where you’re supposed to be.
Your life is shaped by your decisions.
So it’s up to YOU to make the decisions and take the actions necessary to get where you want to go.
You can’t take action without making a decision.
So decide where you want to be. Then act relentlessly until you get there.
Decide you’re not going to succumb to the defeating beliefs.
Decide you’re not going to listen to lies your brain is telling you anymore.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not picking on you here…
Maybe you’ve figured it out and don’t make excuses…
… But if you’re not like most humans, then you probably do make some excuses that you could let go of.
I just don’t want them to hold you back from what you want. Or from giving your gift to the world.
The world needs it. We need it. We need you.
So…if you’re ready to decide and take action to better your life, a great place to start might be implementing a new system…
Or a new habit…
Or a new routine…
And right now, I’ve got a ton of those available for the first time ever.