You Make Or Break Your Life Between 5-7 AM
How you spend your morning determines whether you become world-class at something, or remain merely average.
How you spend your morning determines how well you:
spend your time
choose your friends
choose your lover
choose your career
perform in your work
influence the world
If you could give yourself two hours, every morning, solely dedicated to learning, thinking, planning, meditating, praying, and writing in your journal, your life would change.
If you want to quickly set yourself apart in life, make your first priority to read lots of really good books. If you spend 1–2 hours per morning reading, you’d read 50–100 books per year. Do this for 5–10 years, and as they say, you’ll become an “overnight success.”
You also need to spend plenty of time thinking, meditating, praying if so inclined, and writing in your journal. Rather than just reading for 1–2 hours straight, it’s good to shift between reading, thinking, and writing down your insights. Listening to audiobooks makes this process even easier.
While either listening or reading, it’s good to allow spaces of time to really think about what you are learning, and to measure what you are learning against your current worldview, priorities, and goals.
Hopefully, if you’re open to learning, you’ll allow what you’re reading to alter and enhance your current mental model. You’ll allow your learning to hone and improve your current priorities, goals, choices, and daily behaviors.
This is how you make quantum leaps, day-by-day, in your progression. When you’re getting powerful insights that improve how you live, your life changes. That’s why learning every day is so important.
If you read good books every morning, visualize and strategize your goals, and write your insights in your journal, you’ll have an amazing life.
What do you do between the hours of 5–7AM? ;)