Wow! I can’t believe the feedback!
In my last email, I asked for help and you delivered! I can’t believe all the feedback you gave.
In my last email, I asked for help and you delivered! I can’t believe all the feedback you gave.
As your questions came in, I was so excited to hear from you that I stopped everything else and read each one of them first.
… And surprisingly, many of you had the same ones!
So even though I’ll be answering several of those with the Ultimate Productivity Bundle, I don’t want to wait until then to help you.
Instead, throughout the next few days – I’m going to answer your questions- one at a time- over a set of emails.
Sound good?
Be sure to keep an eye out for the first one!
If you haven’t submitted your question yet, there’s still time to help.
What would be the ONE THING you need to give you the biggest breakthrough in your work?
Just hit reply and send your answer in.
Thank you! We’ll talk soon.
Yours in productivity,
PS: If you’re not sure what The Ultimate Productivity Bundle is, you can get caught up with the last email with subject: Urgent! I really need your help…