This Commitment Can Change Your Career
A simple task, completed every single day, can change the course of your career.
Nathan Barry made a commitment that changed his career: a simple task, completed every day, that skyrocketed his blog and allowed him to make over $30,000 in 6 weeks.
Here is the exact commitment he made:
“I will write 1,000 words every day.”
The first few months were off and on.
He would build up a chain of 5-10 days in a row, but then something would happen to break the chain.
But then starting in July he kept the streak going.
First 20 days, then 30.
Soon it was so long that he was going to write 1,000 words every day no matter what happened.
This allowed him to make rapid progress on his book, which turned out to be a massive success.
What daily commitment can you make that will change your career? ;)