The 4 Pillars of Procrastination (And The Fix for Each One)
According to an academic study, there are 4 pillars of procrastination that influence the population at large.
Tired of forgetting the books you’ve read?
Identifying which pillar is stopping you from doing a certain task may be helpful in overcoming the initial barrier to getting started.
Here are the 4 pillars:
#1 Low Task Value
Tasks that we perceive as low value, either in terms of fun or long-term rewards.
When a task is unpleasant or boring, tie it with more enjoyable activities (“I’ll go knock out this project at the coffee shop while I grab my favorite drink”) or forcefully add artificial elements such as “no turning back” deadlines.
#2 Personality
Unfortunately, personality plays a role in procrastination.
Although it’s hard to control our personality, it is far easier to control our environment.
The solution?
Block out distractions by heading to quiet locations (like the library) and restrict yourself from time-wasting sites with tools like StayFocusd.
#3 Expectations
If you expect to complete a task easily, then you are less likely to procrastinate.
This pillar is a bit more difficult to hack, but the best trick is to simply realize that the first step is often the most psychologically difficult.
Just commit 5-minutes to try it out. Forcing you to get started will build momentum.
#4 Goal Failure
Fear of failure is a real thing for many procrastinators.
This pillar really has to do with being confident in your abilities.