The 3 Questions Tim Ferriss Asks Himself
Not all your days will be good days where you wake up and conquer everything that's thrown you way.
As humans, we expect to perform at our best all the time.
But that’s simply not how it works.
Tim Ferriss - author of "The 4-Hour Workweek" - shares 3 questions that he asks himself regularly to check his productivity and focus.
He looks at his to-do lists and asks:
Which of these items - if accomplished - would make everything else easier or irrelevant? This helps you rank your tasks in order of priority and succession
"Which of these - if checked off, would leave me satisfied with my day?" This helps you find your most important task for that specific day
"Which of these, if done, creates more time for me next week/month/tomorrow?" This will help you find processes of systems that you can improve that will have a higher ROI over time and affect many other individual projects