How to Write Productive Email Subject Lines
Having a hard time getting a response to your emails?
Here are 3 tips to catch your recipients' attention with an amazing subject line.
Think “Search” Before You Send How will a person recall your email? Don’t expect them to memorize your message, but do expect them to search. So make sure to use a keyword-rich subject line that can be searched for
Bad: Report Good: Company X TPS Q2 Report w/ notes and earnings
Make it Action Ready Get specific. The more precise we get with describing tasks, the quicker they’ll get done.
Bad: August report Good: Revise August report for corrections per Monday’s meeting
Prefixes, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Using these can be useful as long as everyone knows what you’re referring to. For example, you can use “urgent” to clue your recipient in or “NRN” to let them know that there is “no reply needed”.