How to Stop Saying Yes When You Want to Say No
Most of the time, questions and invitations result in a large time sink, time that you will never get back.
I’m convinced that’s the answer you need to give when asked for your time.
‘No’ is the answer when asked to join weekend dinners, late-night parties, and water cooler gossip.
‘No‘ is the only way you can create more time.
These days, everyone wants a piece of you. If you want to do things that matter to you, you have to say no to things that don’t matter.
t first glance, it‘s a scary thought. But look at it another way:
Saying ‘no’ to one thing allows you to say ‘yes’ to another
‘No’ is the first step to taking back control of your own time
‘No‘ is the only way to have enough time to work on things that matter to you
‘No‘ is how you can say ‘Yes‘ to your dreams