How To Spend Less Time On Email (4 Hacks)
Do you ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling and refreshing your email?
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We spend more time on email than we realize because we dip in and out of it constantly throughout the day. All those little “adventures” add up.
Here are 4 tips to minimize your email’s influence on your day and save you time:
Check Your Email Less. People spend a surprising amount of time on email because they check it throughout the day. The first thing you can do is check it fewer times
Unsubscribe. Don’t give your time to things you don’t care about so unsubscribe from newsletters that you don’t care about
Use Canned Responses. If there are questions you get asked often, draft your typical answer so you can just cut and paste them
Send Fewer and Shorter Emails. The more emails you send, the more responses you get and the more of your time you lose. Keeping it short also saves both you and your recipient time, and is more likely to get you a response