How to Make This the Year You Finally Read More Books
Vowing to read more books is a perennially popular personal goal. Here are 4 tricks to help you achieve it.
It can be hard to get through books when you’ve fallen out of practice.
Here are a few tricks that can help you read more - and become more relaxed, empathetic, and mentally fit to boot:
#1 Download books to your smartphone
It’s easier to find time to read if you always have a book on you.
It‘s also a way to avoid getting sucked into Facebook and Twitter.
#2 Set a daily reading goal
It helps you break big books into manageable chunks.
Simply choose an amount of time to devote to reading each day.
#3 Set a time to read
Researchers have found that reading before bed can help you de-stress and unplug.
And if you set a time each day when you read, you’re more likely to make churning through books a part of your regular routine.
#4 Keep a stack of tempting books on hand
A pile of books on your nightstand is a visual reminder of your goal.
Keep a stack of books wherever you tend to spend the most time, such as the coffee table in the living room or the kitchen nook.