How to Get Back to Being Productive: 4 Ways
A rocky start shouldn’t dictate your entire workday. Do these things to reverse your unproductivity.
Prioritize Take a step back and take another look at your to-do list. Identify what items absolutely have to be accomplished that day. By simply taking some of the pressure off yourself, you’re more able to focus and be productive
Create a Productive Ambience If you can’t seem to focus, take a look around you. Are you distracted by your environment? And if you’re not distracted, are there ways that you could make your environment more conducive to you being productive?
Change Up the Scenery Sometimes, you need to refresh your body and mind before you can be productive. When I feel unfocused, I like to change my surroundings. I’ll go for a walk, do yoga, or meditate—anything that gets me out of my chair and stops me from staring at my computer for an hour or so. You can also change up the scenery by heading to a different place to work, as long as it won’t be distracting
Limit Distractions Distractions like social media can easily trainwreck productivity–and unfortunately, it’s extremely hard to pull the plug on them entirely. Luckily, there are lots of ways to limit these distracting factors. You probably can’t delete your social media accounts (nor do you want to), but you can remove them from your phone. Or, you can put all your social media apps in a folder that’s out of sight
Most importantly, acknowledge that none of us are productive 100% of the time. It’s not about trying to be perfect. It’s about how you handle an unproductive day when it comes your way.