Today I have to be the bearer of bad news.
Here’s the deal…
All week I’ve been telling you about the 5 spot opening inside of Elite Performers.
At midnight tonight (ESP), the doors slam shut to Elite Performers for the next month.
Meaning you have less than 24 hours to get inside.
If you miss the window, you’ll have to wait another month to get inside.
If this is right for you, I don’t want you to miss out on this.
Here’s what I’ll leave you with…
I’ve been writing about productivity for the better part of the last decade now.
During that time, I’ve sold hundreds of courses & products (only gotten 2 refunds)…
After looking “under the hood” of hundreds of professionals, I’ve developed “an eye” for immediately identifying “work weaknesses”…
If you get accepted into Elite Performers, I’m confident you’ll watch your income boost 20% while your work hours are sliced in half — all within 90 days.
If you’re an ambitious professional or a high-achiever, reply to this email with “I’m in” so we can get started.