3 Tips to Limit Your Distractions
Any game is played with both offense and defense. Well, here’s the defense.
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Just like on the football field, while you’re trying to score goals, you’re also aiming to limit your turnovers.
You’re looking to improve your fundamentals to win the small battles within the game that add up to a victory in the end.
Eliminating your distractions is all about playing defense.
If you don’t begin here, nothing else will really matter.
All the “offense” in the world won’t matter, because you’ll compromise your efficiency by falling victim to distractions that take you away from the task at hand.
Here are 3 great ways to limit your distractions:
#1 Work in Solitude
It provides clarity and greater mindfulness.
#2 Put Your Electronics Away
Your phone can be one of the most distracting temptations out there.
Make sure it is silenced and put away before you start your work so you won’t be tempted to look.
Do this with any other electronic device.
#3 Don’t Worry About What’s Next
Finish the tasks at hand before thinking about how much you need to do.