100-Year-Old To-Do List Productivity Hack
This to-do hack is simple, forces you to make hard decisions and removes the friction of starting.
The “Ivy Lee Method” is stupidly simple, and that’s partly why it’s so effective.
Here are the 5 simple steps:
At the end of each workday, write down the six most important things you need to accomplish tomorrow. Do not write down more than six tasks
Order those six tasks by importance
The next day, concentrate only on the first task. Don‘t move to the second task until you finished the first one
Repeat the process throughout the day. When the day is over, move unfinished items to a new list of six tasks for the next day
Rinse and repeat
This is the same to-do method I use.
Bonus tip: if you carry an item too many days in a row, get rid of it completely.
If you keep delaying something, it probably isn‘t that important anyway...